OFCIO writes guidance but can not enforce it

“Does the Federal CIO have as much power to change agency behaviors as they think they do? I don’t think so.”

In practice, OMB has little authority to implement their policies. They are dependent on agencies to develop authorization plans, select controls, and authorize systems. OMB even relies on agencies to provide data on their own performance.

“[OMB is] constantly operating in a blind spot when it comes to data because most of the data that they collect has to be self-reported from agencies regardless of if it’s right.”

OMB’s authority is most evident when the various offices within it coordinate to produce an outcome. For example, when the OFCIO defines the need for a new type of technical employee, such as a technical product manager, they are more likely to succeed in encouraging agencies to hire for the role when they coordinate with OPPM to define the role or designate senior executive positions. Likewise, they benefit from coordinating with the budget office to ensure funding is available to fill key positions.

“My biggest frustration when I was at OMB was that the people within the agency from the various management and budget side functions never actually worked together and coalesced around a clear set of objectives or priorities unless there was some chaotic thing that sort of pushed the agency to deal with it.”

Ultimately, the Office of Management and Budget has broad authority to advise agencies on how to manage technical risk and encourage them to improve government services but they lack the power to enforce their guidance.

“They’re setting policy and telling people what to do. Does that mean people follow it? [Shrug.]”

“Agencies have gotten very good at figuring out ways to create large budget pockets to manage what they’re doing without OMB oversight. So they’ll have large projects with 10 contracts under it, then they can maneuver that money and do what they want to. Rather than OMB saying we’re gonna cut this contract by this amount because we don’t want you doing that. Agencies have figured out the way to play that budget process as well.”

“They have a lot of power because they’re the White House. But it’s sort of like the teacher in elementary school. You’re gonna have your cliques that are gonna be doing stuff and you can influence them but there’s only so much you can do to raise everyone up. It requires so many other factors. Getting those children to play well, to be nice, to have confidence…. I don’t know how they ever will. That’s part of the structure of our government, unfortunately.”

“So I think part of it, though, is there is not enough money and educated people in IT and security in government. OMB puts out a new mandate every other week around new IT things that have to be done.”

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This site was last updated on 9 OCT 2023.